Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Day 13: ABSolutely!

Hello world

I hope all is going swimmingly :) Lucky day 13!

Today was ab day in gym so just wanted give you a few ab workouts to try out! Here is what I did today:

All performed lying on you back
·         10 Pelvic Tilt/Imprint
·         15 second Pelvic Tilt/Imprint hold
·         10 Single leg top taps (lift leg up to 90 degrees)
·         10 Single leg top taps (legs are at 90 degrees, then drop one at a time to floor)
·         10 Double toe tap (legs are at 90 degrees, then drop both to tap the floor)
·         11 (per leg) Scissor kicks x 2 (shoulders off ground)
·         10 Leg extensions (legs at 90 degrees in air, extend both up till they are straight in the air)
·         100’s abs, shoulders off ground, arms above ground at sides, pulse arms 100 times. (legs bent on ground)
·         Slowly drop legs together from straight above you in the air till they touch the ground.
·         10 sec break
·         10 Double toe tap (legs are at 90 degrees, then drop both to tap the floor)
·         10 (per leg)  Double pulse scissor kicks x 2 (shoulders off ground)
·         10 Leg extensions (legs at 90 degrees in air, extend both up till they are straight in the air)
·         100’s abs, shoulders off ground, arms above ground at sides, pulse arms 100 times. (legs bent 90 degrees in air)
·         Slowly drop legs together from straight above you in the air till they touch the ground.
And that was all followed by a cardio session.
Here are some more great ab sessions you should look at: (Click the word "link" underneath the pictures to go to the workout)

But most importantly,  remember that abs are made in the gym but uncovered in the kitchen. You need to get eating right to show your hard work :P


And finally here are the ten best food for a flat stomach :)

Enjoy xx

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