Thursday, October 10, 2013

Day 1: Let the journey begin

So here we are, day 1, week 1, so far so good on the food front! I always record my calorie intake and exercise on myfitnesspal, find me on there and add me as a friend :) That website is so helpful. Just upload your details, you cat set goals, put in your current weight and it will let you know what your intake should be. If you add me as a friend you can also see what I'm eating everyday.

As for the exercise, miss smartie pants over here managed to get an injury, 2 weeks ago while training for a 10k I felt pain in mt inner knee, instead of resting I decided to skip the 10k and just do a 5k with the injury. So now I'm on painkillers and anti-inflammatories with a minor ligament sprain (physio every other day).

Running the 5k with an injury... dumb!

Today isn't a physio day but I need gym in my life (been exactly a week today since I saw the inside of a gym)....
Anyways starting today I'm going to do some light Pilates and very light stationary bike for about 30 mins.

I will post every Monday, that way I am forced to write if I was bad on the weekend, brilliant deterrent!! I will also post with some tips and hints that I find.

#binge tomorrow, not today, read again tomorrow#

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