Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Day 42: Weigh in Wednesday #6

Hello all!

Today I want to chat about the best summer salads for all those lucky buggers in the southern hemisphere that are going into the summer season now!

This website will give you some great salad ideas and recipes as well as some good dressing recipes.

30 summer salads
Dressing can be your downfall in an otherwise healthy salad. It is very important that you keep dressing to a minimum if at all. Or you make your own healthy dressing! here are some ideas:
Creamy avo dressing
Healthy salad dressing recipes

Not a fan of salads? I feel you! Here are some other ideas for summer lunch. They are from a website mean't for kids' healthy lunch ideas but works just fine for me.. and yummy :)

Healthy Lunches

Healthy lunches

Weigh in update:

Weight gained this week: 900grams :(
Total weight lost: 1 kg

I am pretty bleak about the gain, especially since is quite a lot in comparison to my loss. But I know exactly where I went wrong, like I said above I have been unmotivated on the gym side and too motivated on the eating side, especially since the care package from home. So now I have made sure that my treats from home are well rationed out and fit into the calorie count! I will lose it again! This weekend we are going skiing and 4 hours of skiing can burn around 1700 calories so I'm looking forward to that :D

If you have had a rough week like me, don't worry about it, we will get through it together. Don't spend time stressing over it, find out where you went wrong and get back on that horse! :P


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