Monday, November 11, 2013

Day 34: Shake and BAKE baby

Hello all!


The motivation for this blog stems from this picture! Because it is one big lie! Yes being smaller is my dream but I love food, and the fact is that some things are just too good to give up! So here's  how to eat delicious treats and still get fit :D

One thing I absolutely love is baking. Just because you are trying to lose wight doesn't mean you can't have some delicious treats (in moderation). But treats always come with baggage (literally... on your thighs), so lets talk about healthy baking :D

You can even take some of your favourite recipes and replace some of the ingredients to make it a little more healthy :). Things you don't really want to be cooking with are flour, sugar, butter, cream or oil..... so what does that leave? haha well here are some substitutes:

Flour - almond flour/ oats/ oat flour/ black bean puree
Sugar - apple sauce/ stevia/ vanilla extract/ honey
Butter - mashed banana/ mashed avocardo
Heavy cream - light cream/ evaporated milk/ skim coconut milk
Chocolate chips - dark chocolate/ raisins/ cranberries/ nuts/ cacao nibs
Canola oil - greek yogurt
Bread crumbs - rolled oats
Milk - skim/fat free milk/ almond/soy milk
Eggs - mashed banana/ chia seeds

Here are some healthy yummy recipes (click the title below the picture to go to the link)

date balls
Banana bread

Healthy cookie recipes
37 calorie brownies

58 calorie muffins

Oreo lollies

Enjoy xxxx

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