Monday, November 18, 2013

Day 41: Baby it's cold outside...

Ah I need help! I need some motivation, I am going through a phase where food is best and gym is a mission! Also its getting cold here so all I want to do is drink tea and hot chocolate and stay indoors at all times. But I know movement will keep me warm... ahhhhh! I just need to keep my goals in mind and realise they wont be reached without hard work!

But due to this weather I actually wanted to mention some healthy recipes that keep you warm in winter. I realise that all those in the Southern hemisphere are now going into summer so I will also do a summer eating post!

Soup is my favourite! If you dont have time to cook your own then check out woolies slimmers choice soups :) If you can cook for yourself then here are some recepies.

Everyday for lunch I have a cabbage and chicken soup. I make a big batch on Sundays and it usually lasts me 4 or 5 days. Here is the recipe:


2 chopped chicken breasts
half a chopped onion
4 chopped garlic cloves
1  chopped chilli
1 chopped green pepper
1 sliced carrot
2 handfuls of bean sprouts
1 quarter cabbage head
basil spice
ground pepper
1 chicken stock cube
1.7 litre boiling water


Throw chicken, onion, garlic and chilli with some oil in big pot, cook till chicken starts browning. add all other ingredients and let simmer on low heat for about 40 minutes (covered). Leave to cool for a bit, then tupperware that ish and you're good to go! MMMM

Here are some other options click the caption below the pictures to go to the link:

Low Calorie Thai Chicken Noodle Soup
Top 10 healthy soup recipes
Soups and stews
Slow cooker meals


Hope everyone is keeping on track xxx

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