Monday, December 9, 2013

Day 69: Going no where slowly

Guess I should probably listen to this!
Long time no see! Ah here I am and I still am not feeling the motivation! I have one month till Thailand and I need to get my A into G...

I have been sick for the past 3 days so exercise have been, well, no existent. I am so tired of lacking self control! I don't know what more to do, but saying 'no' has never been this hard! Right now I feel like I just need help!

So honestly I don't have any advice for you today! I need some advice myself! Help is welcome and appreciated...

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Day 51: How to be a healthy cheap skate

Everyone is on a budget these days, especially as a student, and unless you're racking it in, money is always going to be on your mind. Despite what a lot of people may think, eating healthy is not that expensive. I think a lot of people may say that as an excuse to getting healthy. You just have to be looking in the right places! So I have some hints for you to make sure you are keeping your pockets and stomach happy.

Numbero uno: Plan

Before doing you're grocery shopping, plan your meals for the week if you decide on your meals for the week before hand then you know exactly how much to get and you could 'stretch' some foods like meat. Also try get everything you need for the week, often I forget something and have to go back to the store, then once I'm in the store I end up buying something else I didn't need.

Two: Staples

Fill up your pantry with the staples (and keep them in check). This way you will always have those extras that many recipes call for like spices, herbs or garlic. Here is a list:

Three: Labels

This is food, not a bag. Most labelled product are more expensive than the generic no name brand, you don't need the best of the best, as long as the nutritional information is the same.


Four: Bulk

Buy in bulk and freeze, even if you are on your own, buy non-perishables and freezables in bulk. Cook a big meal and freeze it for future meals, so quick and easy. I LOVE bulk, Rob doesn't understand it but I do. If I see a deal, like 1.19kg oats is 11,000won but 4kgs is 33,000won, it won't matter that I didn't want to get a big one, I will get that one. I realise this means I am spending more money but I see it as saving money in the long run. That said, avoid doing the same thing but with food that isn't on you shopping list, like buying something just because its on sale when you know you don't need/eat it. OR something that will spoil easily.

Five: Buy in season

Fruits and veg prices can add up but if you know when they are in season then you can get the lowest price. Or you could just grow your own fruits and veg?! Here is a South African in season fruits and veg list I made:

Six: Tin it

When you are buying fruit and veg you should take a look at the tinned options, they may be cheaper! However do check that there are no added sugars or syrups contained.

Seven: Sharing is caring

If you are living with other people then share the budget and plan healthy meals for the week together, this way you can buy all the bulk you want :D.

Foods to buy on a budget:

  • Oats: super cheap and healthy.
  • Beans and lentils: so many healthy recipes containing these ingredients.
  • Brown rice/wholewheat pasta: you can make a lot of food with this to freeze for the week.
  • Packaged Soups: try get low-sodium/calories soups.
  • Fat-free noodles: I like to add these to soups or throw on top of a salad (dry or cooked)
  • Crispbread and marmite/bovril: watch out for too much as it is high in sodium.
  • Lean cheap meat cuts.

Weight watchers

Cant afford to be on the wight watchers program? No problem, here is the free version!

So that's all for today friends :D
I will be burning some calories by skiing the weekend away! To my American friends: Happy Thanksgiving y'all <3

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Day 49: Under pressure

"And food dares you to change our way of
Caring about ourselves
This is our last dance
This is our last dance
This is ourselves
Under pressure
Under pressure

Thanks Queen for those wonderful lyrics that so nicely complement my theme today, Freddy speaks to my soul, lol. (ok fine I changed 'love' to 'food' but still).

Too much pressure is today's topic of choice. Today was supposed to be weigh in Wednesday but due the immense pressure it is putting me under and the stress I am feeling as a result I decided to do away with it for this week until I feel happy about weighing myself, I want to look at the scale and see a number I want. This is not a cop out, I have been working hard this week, in fact I just got back from gym and am feeling super stiff from the last two days :D. I just don't like feeling pressured to weigh myself right now. It sits on my mind all of Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, so I'm taking control and changing things up a bit this week.

I do think that weekly weigh ins are good but if you too feel this pressure then do away with it for the week. Also if you are beginning to get stuck in a rut, or have lost the excitement you started with? Then take a wee break, let your body relax, sooner than you know your body will miss being in that gym! If you do this then make a plan, don't just do it. Plan the duration and make sure that you schedule something for the end of the break to commit yourself to going back, so book and pay for a class, or a small run/walk, or schedule a 'gym date' with a friend.

That's all for now, remember, you are in charge so take charge, keep calm and listen to Freddy <3 xxx

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Day 42: Weigh in Wednesday #6

Hello all!

Today I want to chat about the best summer salads for all those lucky buggers in the southern hemisphere that are going into the summer season now!

This website will give you some great salad ideas and recipes as well as some good dressing recipes.

30 summer salads
Dressing can be your downfall in an otherwise healthy salad. It is very important that you keep dressing to a minimum if at all. Or you make your own healthy dressing! here are some ideas:
Creamy avo dressing
Healthy salad dressing recipes

Not a fan of salads? I feel you! Here are some other ideas for summer lunch. They are from a website mean't for kids' healthy lunch ideas but works just fine for me.. and yummy :)

Healthy Lunches

Healthy lunches

Weigh in update:

Weight gained this week: 900grams :(
Total weight lost: 1 kg

I am pretty bleak about the gain, especially since is quite a lot in comparison to my loss. But I know exactly where I went wrong, like I said above I have been unmotivated on the gym side and too motivated on the eating side, especially since the care package from home. So now I have made sure that my treats from home are well rationed out and fit into the calorie count! I will lose it again! This weekend we are going skiing and 4 hours of skiing can burn around 1700 calories so I'm looking forward to that :D

If you have had a rough week like me, don't worry about it, we will get through it together. Don't spend time stressing over it, find out where you went wrong and get back on that horse! :P


Monday, November 18, 2013

Day 41: Baby it's cold outside...

Ah I need help! I need some motivation, I am going through a phase where food is best and gym is a mission! Also its getting cold here so all I want to do is drink tea and hot chocolate and stay indoors at all times. But I know movement will keep me warm... ahhhhh! I just need to keep my goals in mind and realise they wont be reached without hard work!

But due to this weather I actually wanted to mention some healthy recipes that keep you warm in winter. I realise that all those in the Southern hemisphere are now going into summer so I will also do a summer eating post!

Soup is my favourite! If you dont have time to cook your own then check out woolies slimmers choice soups :) If you can cook for yourself then here are some recepies.

Everyday for lunch I have a cabbage and chicken soup. I make a big batch on Sundays and it usually lasts me 4 or 5 days. Here is the recipe:


2 chopped chicken breasts
half a chopped onion
4 chopped garlic cloves
1  chopped chilli
1 chopped green pepper
1 sliced carrot
2 handfuls of bean sprouts
1 quarter cabbage head
basil spice
ground pepper
1 chicken stock cube
1.7 litre boiling water


Throw chicken, onion, garlic and chilli with some oil in big pot, cook till chicken starts browning. add all other ingredients and let simmer on low heat for about 40 minutes (covered). Leave to cool for a bit, then tupperware that ish and you're good to go! MMMM

Here are some other options click the caption below the pictures to go to the link:

Low Calorie Thai Chicken Noodle Soup
Top 10 healthy soup recipes
Soups and stews
Slow cooker meals


Hope everyone is keeping on track xxx

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Day 35: Weigh in Wednesday #5

So after last weeks weigh in I seemed to think "oh great, now I'm a month in, I'm on track in terms of loss, I can slack a little more now". Luckily though, I didn't wonder too far from the beaten path.

Nevertheless I was still nervous for weigh in day today. The horrible anxiety feeling as you approach the scale is enough to make me work harder for next time.

So here are the results:

Weight lost this week: 200 grams
Total weight lost: 1.9kgs

Ps. received this amazing care package today from home (Thanks ma and pa!!)... moderation and self control has just hit level Expert! Eish

Monday, November 11, 2013

Day 34: Shake and BAKE baby

Hello all!


The motivation for this blog stems from this picture! Because it is one big lie! Yes being smaller is my dream but I love food, and the fact is that some things are just too good to give up! So here's  how to eat delicious treats and still get fit :D

One thing I absolutely love is baking. Just because you are trying to lose wight doesn't mean you can't have some delicious treats (in moderation). But treats always come with baggage (literally... on your thighs), so lets talk about healthy baking :D

You can even take some of your favourite recipes and replace some of the ingredients to make it a little more healthy :). Things you don't really want to be cooking with are flour, sugar, butter, cream or oil..... so what does that leave? haha well here are some substitutes:

Flour - almond flour/ oats/ oat flour/ black bean puree
Sugar - apple sauce/ stevia/ vanilla extract/ honey
Butter - mashed banana/ mashed avocardo
Heavy cream - light cream/ evaporated milk/ skim coconut milk
Chocolate chips - dark chocolate/ raisins/ cranberries/ nuts/ cacao nibs
Canola oil - greek yogurt
Bread crumbs - rolled oats
Milk - skim/fat free milk/ almond/soy milk
Eggs - mashed banana/ chia seeds

Here are some healthy yummy recipes (click the title below the picture to go to the link)

date balls
Banana bread

Healthy cookie recipes
37 calorie brownies

58 calorie muffins

Oreo lollies

Enjoy xxxx